Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Invocation for the Colorado State Senate during March Madness March 23, 2019

Seventieth General Assembly March 23, 2019
STATE OF COLORADO 85th Legislative Day
Rabbi Eliot J. Baskin

O God, during this auspicious time of March Madness as our legislative clock necessitates buzzard beaters, I pray that you Senators and staff may always be a true sportsperson on the court of life.

May you never lose sight of your baseline.
May your actions never be out of bounds.

May you learn to obey life's rules so you may be spared harsh penalties.
May you, like your field goal percentage, be brimming with 2 and 3 pointers.
May your turnovers be few, your recoveries quick.

When your pass is intercepted, may you work to improve your aim.
When you sink a basket, remember what you owe to the team.

Learn to prize an honest defeat, above a dishonest victory.

When you strive to pass idealistic legislation, may these alley-oop  attempts succeed.

May you so play the game that the Divine Referee will include you in the Hall of Fame for championing transformative legislative brackets.
