Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Invocation at Colorado State Senate April 10, 2019 Blizzard Blessing

Blizzard Blessing

Rabbi Eliot Baskin

As we approach this spring bomb cyclone blizzard, grant, O God, that you Senators and staff be imbued with a spirit of mission, purpose and tenacity.
May peace and harmony always prevail in your midst so that the ever expanding needs of our state receive your undivided attention, unhampered by stormy circumstances.
May you weather the economic forecasts as you bundle up to conserve all that is important.
May your hearts brave the fiscal elements so that you do not give the cold shoulder to the less fortunate and strangers in our midst.
May your hard work break the ice of partisan animosities and lead to a thaw in party cold fronts so that together you may finalize a blue sky budget and lay the foundation for a promising spring.
May the One who makes peace in the Heavens, oseh shalom bemromov, help us to make peace, healing and warmth for all of us here in Colorado.  